It's Eurovision Time!

I know what most of you are thinking - Eurovision, again? Really? 

Yes really, and I am 100% here for it.

The world we live in is full of constant debate, for example, what do you think about Brexit? The constant upgrades of Snapchat? Is Eurovision really necessary?

My short and sweet answer is yes. But allow me to elaborate, as this would otherwise be a very short post.

Like I said before, the world is full of debates and lots of serious things. What's the harm in having a little break from all of that? Eurovision is nothing short of over the top stage decorations, elaborate light shows and songs that are just too damn catchy.

Concita Wurst's 'Rise Like A Phoenix' remains my all-time favourite Eurovision song.

Every year I sit in front of my television and I pick out at least three or four favourites who were actually pretty good, if it's a good year. If not, it's still bloody entertaining. The show would be incomplete without witty comments coming from the UK's commentary box. But of course, my favourite part of the night is the scoring. It just all gets a bit tense and for a minute or two I genuinely believe the UK will finish on the left hand side of the board.

Trying not to biased here but, our songs are actually really quite good most of the time, but that's social politics for you. Nevertheless, nothing will stop me jumping for joy when the United Kingdom are occasionally gifted with a douze points.

If you love Eurovision like I do, applaud yourselves.

If you don't, then I applaud you for reading this post in the first place. But seriously, give it a chance, you might be surprised when you find yourself planning your 2019 Eurovision party.

Sophie Williams

Read some more of my general natterings on Twitter @sophie_jw26.
