Versailles Recap "A Still Small Voice"

Season 2 Episode 2

One of the best things about Versailles for me is the fact that with each and every episode, the drama never falters. Episode 2 of the second season was no different, in fact, I think it was even better (if that's at all possible). Poison is still circulating and claiming more victims, while Philippe is thrown into another marriage and Jacques met a gruesome end. 

My highlight of this episode is hands down the return of the Chevalier. With his sharp wit and interesting wardrobe choices, the Chevalier brings a splash of colour (literally) to the otherwise dark Versailles. He was enjoying life back with Philippe and was settling in to the Prince's private residence. Well, he was trying to but it was clear that his sole intention was to return to Versailles, the palace that holds the riches. 

Ever since the death of Henriette, Philippe has been expecting his brother to marry him off again, no doubt to someone that will benefit France, rather than Philippe himself. Though this may well be the case, Louis really has pulled a blinder with this one. Philippe rode on horseback according to the scroll of instructions and went to meet his future bride. Out from the bushes emerged a petite woman named Liselotte. From the eye, she looks sweet, reserved, polite. The perfect candidate for royalty. But Liselotte is far more than that. She's outspoken, confident and quirky. Not exactly to Philippe's taste but I loved her. In fact, she reminds me a lot of the Chevalier, just not as easily morally misled I hope. The young woman had bought gifts for Philippe's children (Philippe has children??) including a Shetland pony. If that's not pushing the boat out, I don't know what is. However, Liselotte soon proved that she is not a pushover. During a minor verbal altercation with the Chevalier, she marked his card and explained she is very well aware of her place. 

No show does shocks and twists better than Versailles, proved in this episode by the sudden death of Jacques the gardener. Jacques is a valued character in my eyes, someone Louis can rely on. His death was completely out of nowhere and you can already imagine the reverberations are going to be huge. 

At the end of the episode, Montespan went into labour. It didn't look like it was going smoothly for her and we were left wondering at the end of the episode whether she would survive or not. 
