Versailles Recap "The Labyrinth"


Versailles is back and it's back with a bang. The new Season was so highly anticipated that I could barely contain myself when the fabulous opening credits rolled.  

In my previous post (read here) I pondered what was going to happen to Lord Rohan and whether he managed to accomplish whatever he intended for the King's heir. Alas, all my questions were answered when Fabien found the boy, and took Rohan off his horse in one clean shot. Marchal is such a glorious character in the respect that he's witty, intelligent, and damn good at his job. He made Rohan's life a misery and the torture was nail-bitingly brilliant. With Louis looking on, there was a very sinister atmosphere in the room when Fabien turned the mirrors to direct the sunlight right into Rohan's eyes. It was brilliant; almost letting nature do what was deserved. Louis kept his promise and Rohan met his sticky end when the moon aligned with the sun. 

Speaking of Louis, he looked more regal than ever and continued his mission to juggle his Court and his sanity. The episode began with the King sleep-walking into the lake, Henriette's dying words being heard. The death of his former mistress obviously still haunts him and it makes me wonder if he feels partly responsible, as if he feels he couldn't protect her. The process Louis underwent with his Queen and Montespan by his side to allocate Philippe a new wife was very strange and slightly comical. The three of them surveyed "candidates" who would be acceptable for the Prince and the two women eventually came to an agreement, although they were apparently steered in that direction by the King.

Montespan seemed to have a very strange deal going on with a card-reader about her future with Louis. The card-reader felt the full force of Montespan's right hook when they didn't receive the news they expected. Louis and his mistress seem to have an odd relationship. She's very pushy with him and I can see that he quite often questions her actions but goes along with them happily enough. However, my own theory is that eventually Montespan will start to believe that she is on the same level as Louis but as we all know, no one is on the same level as the King. So Louis might start to get annoyed with her, maybe even stop seeing her. If this happened, I could then see Montespan flipping and turning her revenge onto His Majesty, a move that would most likely end with the loss of her head. That's just pure speculation but if it does happen, you heard it here first. 

We didn't see as much of Philippe as I'd hoped in this first episode but what we did see of him was fantastic. Humorous as he may seem however, Philippe is obviously battling some demons. He went berserk when he found out the playwright had gone to Versailles, possibly annoyed by the fact the grandeur of the Palace can draw anyone in. Or that it was dawning more and more on him that he'd have to return one day. I really hope Philippe's return to Versailles is sooner rather than later. He and Louis have a very complex and three-dimensional relationship which is fascinating to watch and engage with. After a visit from Montespan, Philippe's lips began to curve into a small smile at the news that le Chevalier may return and it became clear to me that that's Philippe wants. 

Full of plot twists and torture, card-readings and poison, the first episode of the new Season certainly did not disappoint. It was as an enthralling as I'd expected and my only complaint is that I have to wait seven days for the next one. 

Written by @sophie_jw26
