The Walking Dead- "Bury Me Here" S7E13

This week’s episode of The Walking Dead began very mysteriously with Ezekiel and other members of the Kingdom unloading supplies. Well, when I say “supplies”, I mean one cantaloupe. This was all very confusing as we know for sure that this is not a usual request from the Saviours. However, we were left wondering what was going on as the opening credits rolled.

We then saw Carol waking from what I presumed to have been a nightmare. How anyone could sleep in the dark during a zombie apocalypse I’ll never know but as Carol lit her lamp, tears stained her face. We’re offered some kind of resolution as to why she’s so upset when Carol leaves the confines of her house, on her way to the Kingdom. Much like the previous episode, the beautiful sunrise reminds us that there is still good in this seemingly all evil world. Once she finds Morgan, she asked the same dreaded question that she asked Daryl; “is everyone ok?” As we all know, the simple answer is “no”. Morgan tells her about Glenn, Abraham and the others. Uncharacteristic of Carol, she finds herself in tears again. From what we’ve seen of her this episode, it’s clear that living on her own away from everyone else isn’t as easy or fantastic as she thought it would be.

On her way out of the Kingdom, someone has killed the Walker that Carol spared on her way in. From the shadows, someone is watching her and straight away I can work out that it’s Richard. Back in the Kingdom, Ezekiel is informed that they have to burn all of their crops. I automatically felt harrowed for them because the inevitable was that they wouldn’t be able to give the Saviours everything they’re demanding.

On their way to the Saviours meeting point, members of the Kingdom come across a road block. Their main questions are, who and why? Again, my suspicions went straight to Richard but just what is his game? Finding the grave that Richard dug out, Ezekiel soon realises that something eerie is happening, along with everyone at home wondering what on earth is going on. Meeting the Saviours, they realise that their supplies are pitiful and demand all of their guns. As much as I was willing Ezekiel not to, he instructed his people to hand over their weapons.

Richard’s games didn’t stop at the road block when it comes to light that one of their cantaloupes are missing. It comes as no surprise to anyone when the Saviours are angered by this, holding a gun up to Richard. However, it made me jump when it transpired that they shot Benjamin in the leg instead. They rush him to Carol’s house where he eventually dies. Morgan takes this incredibly badly and appears to be reverting back to his old self back when Rick found him again a few seasons ago. Kicking over a bucket, he reveals the missing cantaloupe. Morgan confronts Richard over this and I’m actually enjoying this side to Morgan, he’s more interesting when he’s ruthless.

After this intense scene between Morgan and Richard, we’re back to where we started with the Kingdom dropping off a single cantaloupe, the missing cantaloupe. The exchange heats up rather quickly when the lead Saviour learns that Benjamin died. Suddenly, something snaps within Morgan and he starts beating Richard, eventually killing him. This surprised me heavily with Morgan being so against actually killing living things. Explaining about why he did what he did, Morgan let the name “Dwayne” slip which, if I’m right, is the name of his son. He quickly corrected the name to Benjamin and I was a little confused about what’s happening to Morgan, I’m not his biggest fan but I don’t want this to be his demise.

I think this episode was one of the best throughout the series. We saw a softer side to Carol and a more brutal side to Morgan. This change in characterisation is refreshing from time to time, exactly what The Walking Dead needs. 

Written by @sophie_jw26
